I'm thankful for a visit today with my beautiful sis in CHRIST, who is in a fight for her life. As we sat and talked, she shared a story about people giving less than their best. She stopped mid-sentence, tears welling up, her face softening, a gentle smile filling the room, as she said, "If they could see CHRIST the way I see HIM, they would do more."
Oh how this statement of truth cut me to the very core, piercing right through. Her daily struggles and battles should be debilitating in their very nature, but this amazing warrior for JESUS continues to do HIS Work. She depends on HIM every moment of the day.
Friends, there's work to be done.
So I have to ask myself, "What's holding me back from doing the very things The LORD'S putting on my heart?"
I ask you, "What's holding you back?"
GOD has given you specific gifts and talents. Join me in seeing JESUS in a clearer light. Bigger than fear. Larger than limitations. Pray to push past the doubts, seeing CHRIST as your *Complete Sufficiency*...you can do more!
"For with God nothing will be impossible.”~Luke 1:37
Jump on the "Thankful Train"...what are you thankful for?