Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is Your Friend A True Friend?

We all have certain people we call friends, we say Hi, have small talk conversations, but don't feel close enough to share our deep feelings and secrets with. Then, there's those special, CLOSE friends. People whom we've established a bond with. People we can trust with our hearts. They have our 'backs,' they're always there through good times and bad. We feel safe, secure and comforted just by talking to them.

There's an obvious difference in our level of relationships with people. There's also a difference in our level of relationship with God and our Savior Jesus Christ. 

You'll never get to know Him on a deeper level until you begin to stay in His Word (The Bible) daily. This allows you to see and know God's nature, His heart, His caring, unconditional love. Getting closer to the Lord will help you realize that you no longer have to carry your burdens alone. You have a safe place to go and release everything that's been weighing you down.

Seek God daily, open up to Him and share your feelings, trust Him, lean on Him, know that He wants to help you. Allow Him to get close enough to restore you through a CLOSE, intimate, trusting relationship with Jesus Christ.

Run to your CLOSEST friend, JESUS CHRIST. He will never hurt or disappoint you. He loves you like no other...He gave His life for you! You will find the safety you've been craving. Take your relationship to a deeper level & be set free! 

John 8:31-32
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Daniel 10:12
Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.


  1. I'm just discovering your blog, love it ... i love how you speak about Jesus, Faith, relationship ... not too preachy, just the right words. I can feel, it comes from the heart, i will definitly follow your blog :)

    See you soon!
    Kisses from France

  2. Thank you Gigi! I usually try to right about things that I've personally experienced and happy that you can tell it comes from the heart!
