Are you ever satisfied? I ask this question first to myself and then to you. When you're blessed with something you've been hoping and praying for…is it enough? Do you find yourself chasing and hoping for the next thing on your wish list? Are you a victim of consumerism?
Human nature is stated very clearly in the Bible found in Ecclesiastes, written by King Solomon (son of King David and considered one of the wisest men to ever live besides Jesus.) He chased after worldly things, attaining it all, only to say it was, "grasping for the wind." He mentions it over and over less than nine times. Accumulation. More stuff. Never enough. We rent storages to hold things that we will probably never use again and yet we keep it. MINE. I speak to me first!
The true chasing you should be doing each day is chasing after the Lord's heart. JESUS. HIS will. Allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you towards the things that you truly need. Jesus said, "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever—" John 14:16 More time praying. More time reading the Scriptures. More time sharing the unconditional love of Christ. Where's your heart? I ask myself first and then you. The Lord has blessed each one of us with so much materialistically and continues to do so. But the true question is…do you care where others will be spending eternity?
As you seek Jesus and He fills you up…this should start to become a priority, if you truly let Him transform you into HIS image; removing the things that so easily trap and entangle you. Look around, wherever you are…is there someone you can pray for? You have so many opportunities placed in front of you each day. At work, praying quietly at your desk for the people in your office to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior, in the store, in the gym, in the movie theatre…so many opportunities to pray for people. The Bible plainly states that the ONLY WAY to the Father is through His Son, Jesus Christ. All paths do not lead to Heaven. Jesus is the only way to the Father. Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6
Where's your heart? I ask myself and then you. Are you too busy trying to devise a plan to get more things? It's all, "grasping for the wind." It will not bring you true happiness or fill the empty void in your soul.
Don't get me wrong…we all need provisions now and for the future, but what I'm talking about is the never ending excess that consumes our thoughts and time…more…more…more. Maybe it's time to pray for the things the Lord wants for your life. As a "Christ"ian you should care more about the Lord's will than your own…"grasping for the wind." There are too many people who need a Savior, Jesus Christ; too many people who are struggling with pain, addiction, loneliness, and heartache. Do you care? Step up and seek more of the Lord's will and less of yours. In this you will find true happiness for all that you've been searching for. I speak to me first, then you. Trust Him with ALL of you. Allow Him to use you mightily each day and watch the burdens begin to fall away. Jesus is "the way, the truth and the life". What was Christ doing here on earth? He came to save. He was here to bring the lost, hurting , misled and broken people back to the loving embrace of their Heavenly Father. Stop "grasping for the wind," and cling to Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of your faith.
"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2